Battlefield Fire Protection District


Fire Damages Home in Battlefield –

Fire Damages Home in Battlefield

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BATTLEFIELD, Mo- Multiple crews worked to put out a house fire just inside the Battlefield city limits this afternoon.

Springfield and Battlefield fire crews arrived to find the house on fire and high smoke pouring out. Officials say no one was inside but the house is significantly damaged. Early indications are the fire started in the garage.

Battlefield Deputy Chief Dennis Reynolds says his station sees an increase in garage fires as the summer season gets closer.

\”People are outside more often, they\’re putting away lawn and garden equipment and stuff like that and sometimes it\’s still warm. I would encourage them that if they\’re using a lawn mower or something along those lines that they make sure it cools before they put it away, and before they fuel it,\” said Reynolds.

Reynolds also says the positive working relationship between Springfield and Battlefield fire departments helped in a quicker response time and getting the fire controlled faster.

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